Dexiox Dokan

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Dexiox Dokan


Full Name Dexiox Dokan
Gender Male


Date of Birth 24th of Sistares, year 2730
Date of Death


Origin Pikistu (Eeiten)
Residence New Camela (Eeiten)
Family Dexiox's Mom

• Father

• Brother
Occupations • Student at George Lamantin campus (formerly)
Affiliation Republican Army of Eeiten
Secret Service of Eeiten
Known Objects Talsir
Artists Caneera




Early Life

Dexiox Dokan was born in Pikistu on the 24th of Sistares 2730.

Pikistu Incident

Dexiox enrolled himself in George Lamantin military Campus to respect his father's wishes and legacy.

After graduating, he will receive an upgraded version of his father's iconic bow.

Joining the Secret Service of Eeiten

Later down the line, he was approached by Dethan Levinskok offering him a job as an agent of the Secret Service of Eeiten which he will accept after some thinking.

Battle of Judanaka

In 2753, Dexiox was sent to Judanaka alongside other agents to retrieve the artifact Maltir. However, the Red Rose Mercenaries managed to get there first and steal the gauntlets.

He was tasked to be the second line of attack in case things went wrong inside the Rochwell's Toys & Fabric factory, thus he took point on the rooftops of said buildings. He will be the first one to spot the mercenaries moving the gauntlets using three separate white vans. Being the only one knowing which one was the right one, his objective was to target the truck's wheel and then let Olen Ghetsureko take care of the rest on ground.

Preparing to shoot the truck with an electric arrow, he got shot first by a sniper sent by the Red Rose, dismembering his arm in the process. Ciana soon came to assist him and to stop the bleeding as he slowly lost consciousness.

A New Start

His lost arm was quickly replaced by a cybernetic replacement by going through ICARUS program.



Gallery of Official Works

Reference Sheet



Character Snapshots

Issues Appearances

Concept Arts


Appearances for Dexiox Dokan

In chronological order:
