Kaerako Jupeta

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Kaerako Jupeta
Full Name Kaerako Jupeta
Gender Female
Status Alive
Date of Birth 15th of Daztares, year 2734
Date of Death N/A
Origin Pikistu (Shajïkina)
Residence Pikistu (Shajïkina)
Artists Ayuumiko


Kaerako Jupeta is the third daughter of Maegalia Jupeta and is destined to become the new leader of her family after her mother's death.

Being one of the youngest of the family doesn't stop her from being an annoyance to the others. She is arrogant and haughty, taking pleasure when dragging others down, more precisely people of her age.

Despite being reprimanded by her older sibling Nadae Jupeta, she still thinks she is the queen of this world, even making her own tiara out of silk. Most of the family often wishes that one day, reality will hit her.


Early Life

To be added.




Appearances for Kaerako Jupeta

In chronological order:
