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Location Eeiten
Population 49.254 inhabitants

Judanaka is a city well known for its factories and overall industrial atmosphere.


Race for Maltir

In 2753, the Secret Service of Eeiten interceipt news that Maltir, a Chaos Artifact with unknown powers, has been spotted at the Rochwell's Toys & Fabric. A team of agents composed of Nuro Kiwishii, Igor Tenvoski, Ciana Kukui, Dexiox Dokan and Olen Ghetsureko is sent to retreive it, however the Red Rose Mercenaries also get a hold of this information and manage to get there at a similar time.

After a confrontation, the Red Rose manage to overcome the agents and to run away with Maltir using three trucks of the company. Meanwhile, Dexiox is watching the scene from a near rooftop and, with informations from the others agents, manages to track down which truck potientially has the artifact inside it. Preparing to shoot the truck with an electric arrow, he get shot first by a sniper sent by the Red Rose, dismembering his arm.

As a last wall of defense, Olen get out of his hiding place to interceipt one of the trucks driven by Monbauld Kamaion, an employee of Rochwell. Olen checks the back of the truck in search of Maltir just to realize too late that it is an explosive trap. In an attempt to protect the trucker, he gets blasted by the explosion and the Red Rose manages to run away with their price.