Olen Ghetsureko

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Olen Ghetsureko


Full Name Olen Ghetsureko
Gender Male


Date of Birth 37th of Toxtares, year 2730
Date of Death


Origin Cardel-O-Garda (Shajïkina)
Residence Pikistu (Shajïkina)
Occupations • Student at George Lamantin campus (formerly)
Affiliation Republican Army of Eeiten
Secret Service of Eeiten
Known Objects None
Artists Caneera



Origination from Cardel-O-Garda, in Eeiten, Olen Ghetsureko is an underground demon with a friendly and funny personality that makes everyone around him happy.

Following the steps of his dear friends, Olen will join the Secret Service of Eeiten. He is seen as one of the most skilful and strongest agents, making him a powerful ally.

He has his own custom weapon that he carries whenever he can. His main objective is to protect those in need. Don't try to fight him, or you will probably regret it !


In an attempt to recover Maltir whilst saving someone, Olen Ghetsureko ended up as a victim of an explosion in Judanaka... However, his story does not end there.

Suffering from 2nd and 3rd degree burns and a broken horn, his time as a field agent is over. Nevertheless it won't stop him from working with the Secret Service, this time as their ambassador in the Eeiten Protection Council.

Looks can be deceiving, as behind his warm smile lies a man traumatised by his experience, haunted by nightmares of that day, screaming himself awake every single morning.


Early Life

To be added.

Pikistu Incident

To be added.

Joining the Secret Service of Eeiten

To be added.

Gallery of Official Works


Issues Appearances

Concept Arts


Appearances for Olen Ghetsureko

In chronological order:
