Martha Sednet

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Martha Sednet


Full Name Martha Sednet
Gender Female


Date of Birth 20th of Ciktares, year 2724
Date of Death


Origin Unknown (Shajïkina)
Residence Unknown (Shajïkina)
Occupations • Agent of the Secret Service of Eeiten
Affiliation Republican Army of EeitenSecret Service of Eeiten
Artists Caneera


Martha Sednet is a fox lady and an agent of the Secret Service of Eeiten. She dons the stereotypical markings of a detective, but many do not know that she was actually one in the past.

She is considered one of the best, keeping everyone’s secrets to herself and never giving them out to torture. Yet, she is able to make anyone spit out their own.

Just like Igor Tenvoski, her files are for some reasons restricted to only Dethan Levinskok. Considering that, nobody really knows who she really is or why she was hired by the director.


Early Life

To be added.

Joining the Secret Service of Eeiten

To be added.


Appearances for Martha Sednet

In chronological order:
