Nuro Kiwishii

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Nuro Kiwishii


Full Name Nuro Kiwishii
Gender Female


Date of Birth 35th of Uyttares, year 2726
Date of Death


Origin Kantika Bay (Eeiten)
Residence Cardel-O-Garda (Eeiten)
Family Hayero Kiwishii (Father)
Millian Longley (Mother)
Occupations • Agent of the Secret Service of Eeiten
Affiliation Republican Army of Eeiten
Secret Service of Eeiten
Artists Caneera




Early Life

Nuro Kiwishii was born in Kantika Bay on the 35th of Uyttares 2726. Her mother, Millian Longley, died when she was 4 years old, while her father, Hayero Kiwishii, cared for her as best as he could while performing his duty as a soldier in the Republican Army of Eeiten.

Morning Star Team

From her teenage years to early-adulthood, Nuro spent most of her days working out or playing video games with her friends. She was part of the Morning Star team under the pseudonym TheStarKiwi2726. This team was led by champion Iyahon Nato, who also was Nuro's best friend despite the distance between them, as Iyahon was living in the country of Frozalandia

Joining the Secret Service of Eeiten

Willing to maintain her father's legacy, she will follow the training of Dethan Levinskok, director of the newly formed Secret Service of Eeiten. This will lead her to become a high ranking member amongst her fellow agents, often leading her own small squad.

Unfortunately, the time that her job required of her no longer allowed her to have as much fun as before playing games, but she still keeps in touch with her group of friends.

Battle of Judanaka

In 2753, Nuro was sent to Judanaka alongside other agents to retrieve the artifact Maltir. However, the Red Rose Mercenaries managed to get there first and steal the gauntlets.

Nuro sent Igor Tenvoski and Ciana Kukui to assist Dexiox Dokan with tracking the stolen artifact while she stayed on the radio with Dethan to give a report on the current situation.


Nuro Kiwishii, often adressed as “the protagonist” due to her personality by her friends, is a long lasting member of the Secret Service of Eeiten.

She is the daughter of one of the heroes of the Great Battle of Xion. Wanting to continue the heritage of her father, she will follow the training of Secret Service director Dethan Levinskok.

This will guide her to become the leading member of her team during most missions, even having her own squad composed of others agents like Dexiox Dokan or Yuu Kugashi.

Long before joining the Secret Service, Nuro Kiwishii spent most of her days working out or playing games with her friends.

She was part of the Morning Star team under the pseudonym of TheStarKiwi2726. This team was led by champion Iyahon Nato, who is also Nuro's best friend despite the distance between them.

Unfortunately, the time that her job requires of her no longer allows her to have fun as before, but she still keeps in touch with her group of friends, sometimes asking Iyahon for help on some urgent matters.

Gallery of Official Works


Character Snapshots

Issues Appearances

Concept Arts


Appearances for Nuro Kiwishii

In chronological order:
