Trapped in Judanaka

From Machibarusu
Revision as of 13:59, 10 July 2022 by MCBRS (talk | contribs)
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Trapped in Judanaka is a comic from the Machibarusu Issues serie. It was written by Dexiox Dokan and drawn by Ayuumiko. It's writing was also supervised by Alvarion. It was released on the 9th of July 2022 in both english and french.



English version

French version


English version

French version


Main Characters

Secondary Characters


  • This comic marks the first canonical appearance of Nuro Kiwishii, Olen Ghetsureko and Igor Tenvoski, but also of the three new and unrevealed characters.
  • This issue is the first one to introduce unrevealed characters in action. Those being :
  • Around half of the original script for this issue was cut due to budget. The issue would have lasted at least 5 more pages and would have introduced more plot, explanations and characters.