Tiloo Karoo

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Tiloo Karoo
Full Name Tiloo Karoo
Gender Male
Date of Birth 2nd of Huntares, year 1512
Date of Death 20th of Ciktares, year 1528
Origin Mediala
Residence Shajïkina
Occupations Unknown
Affiliation Unknown
Artists Ayuumiko


Energetic and light minded, Tiloo Karoo is a young wolf boy originating from Mediala. However, when the Chaos Cataclysm happened in his home town, he died alongside the entire population at the age of 16.

His soul is now trapped in Talsir, the artifact belonging to Dexiox Dokan. Like other sealed souls, Tiloo can appears from the Talsir at any time when the host acquire enough chaos energy.

He seems to have no real memories from what happened in his past, but he sometimes feels lost, like if his memories were all fighting against each others.


Early Life

To be added.



