Senran Verreckt

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Senran Verreckt
Full Name Senran Verreckt
Gender Female
Status Alive
Date of Birth 23rd of Sistares, year 2710
Date of Death N/A
Origin Unknown
Residence Unknown
Occupations Scientist
Affiliation Corpus Inc.
Secret Service of Eeiten
Artists elenavannini


Senran Verreckt is one of the lead scientists of the Corpus Inc. She is well known for various incredible inventions that are used by many, even to this day.

During the Astral War, she was sent to help the Secret Service of Eeiten to unlock the secrets of a strange but powerful pair of gauntlets.

However, she is said to have quite a chaotic past as the ex-wife of the company director Meleando Satsujin. Most of the employees even wonder how she is still an important figure of Corpus Inc. even when her and Meleando hate each other.


Early Life

To be added.





Appearances for Senran Verreckt

In chronological order:
